How to have a birthday that matters


A few days ago, I celebrated my birthday.Needless to say, I had spent the entire year waiting for it. I woke up elated with full knowledge of what the day was. I updated my social media status announcing to all and sultry about my special day.
Messages of goodwill started pouring in. I couldn’t hold back a smile as my heart swelled with happiness with each message.
For me, birthdays have always symbolized a new beginning.Another chance at living life wiser and better. Turning a year older means more opportunities to grow and learn.
On my Birthday, I decided that my new year will be a daring one. One that will see me come out of my shell and try new things.This decision is reflective of what I’ve been through the past year and it goes to show how one’s birthday can be decisive. Its a day where one can chart a new course of life.
During the normal new year, everyone makes resolutions.Many times they are forgotten by February. I keep thinking, isn’t a birthday more symbolic? It actually means something more than a normal beginning of a year. What are the odds that one can successfully follow through the resolutions they make during this special day?
For one, I rarely have a birthday party. This gives me a lot of reflection time where I get to analyze my past year, what I achieved, where I made mistakes, what I need to improve on and much more. I am not against parties, in fact I believe that they are a great way to celebrate being older. However, celebrating it without thinking of the coming year is like having a wedding without thinking of the marriage ahead. Which is quite absurd. It is therefore best to have some time to think.
During this time, appreciate the far you have come in the journey of life. Reminisce the experiences you have gone through and acknowledge how they have shaped you and what they have taught you. Think of how you would like to move on in the next year, what you want to achieve and then you can set your goals.
I believe that the ceremonial nature of a birthday can enable one to set and achieve their goals effectively. What drives you will be the determination to leave a legacy. You will then be able to say that, for example, on my 20th year, this is what I achieved. This in itself is a lasting motivation.

In keeping up with the fun in birthdays, you can create a bucket list including all the things you have always wanted to try and take the plunge.You never know how enriching new experiences can be. You only live once, therefore, take it upon yourself to enjoy all that life has to offer. Happy Birthday to all October babies!💛

How to have a birthday that matters


A few days ago, I celebrated my birthday.Needless to say, I had spent the entire year waiting for it. I woke up elated with full knowledge of what the day was. I updated my social media status announcing to all and sultry about my special day.
Messages of goodwill started pouring in. I couldn’t hold back a smile as my heart swelled with happiness with each message.
For me, birthdays have always symbolized a new beginning.Another chance at living life wiser and better. Turning a year older means more opportunities to grow and learn.
On my Birthday, I decided that my new year will be a daring one. One that will see me come out of my shell and try new things.This decision is reflective of what I’ve been through the past year and it goes to show how one’s birthday can be decisive. Its a day where one can chart a new course of life.
During the normal new year, everyone makes resolutions.Many times they are forgotten by February. I keep thinking, isn’t a birthday more symbolic? It actually means something more than a normal beginning of a year. What are the odds that one can successfully follow through the resolutions they make during this special day?
For one, I rarely have a birthday party. This gives me a lot of reflection time where I get to analyze my past year, what I achieved, where I made mistakes, what I need to improve on and much more. I am not against parties, in fact I believe that they are a great way to celebrate being older. However, celebrating it without thinking of the coming year is like having a wedding without thinking of the marriage ahead. Which is quite absurd. It is therefore best to have some time to think.
During this time, appreciate the far you have come in the journey of life. Reminisce the experiences you have gone through and acknowledge how they have shaped you and what they have taught you. Think of how you would like to move on in the next year, what you want to achieve and then you can set your goals.
I believe that the ceremonial nature of a birthday can enable one to set and achieve their goals effectively. What drives you will be the determination to leave a legacy. You will then be able to say that, for example, on my 20th year, this is what I achieved. This in itself is a lasting motivation.

In keeping up with the fun in birthdays, you can create a bucket list including all the things you have always wanted to try and take the plunge.You never know how enriching new experiences can be. You only live once, therefore, take it upon yourself to enjoy all that life has to offer. Happy Birthday to all October babies!💛

WAR ROOM -The movie

Its probably a movie that most people wouldn’t add to their list of ‘must watch’ but I would declare it a must watch for every Christian anywhere. Ever watched a movie that speaks directly to a situation you may be facing? This one did….At a point when you are close to giving up, nothing is working..even the little hope you are holding on to is too stretched. Its a reminder to stop thinking that you can do it and hand over the problem to a higher stronger force. Its an invitation to stop focusing on the wrong enemy and start fighting the real culprit. Its a trumpet call to prayer, an effective way to combat the enemy. It’s a call to stop feeling sorry for yourself and start taking charge of your life. Prayer changes things.. if you haven’t tried it please do and then you will testify that nothing is impossible with God.

Amazing Grace


A certain teenage girl..say Jane.. has just learnt how to drive, it’s been a great experience for her and now her friends would like her to drive them to a party …Eager to show off her newly acquired skills, she agrees.. Off course she doesn’t have a licence yet but it’s not a big deal according to her… The arrives and they set off gleefully to their rendezvous… Unluckily, an impromptu police check point has been set up along the way.. So the girls are detained whilst awaiting a court mention. Jane’s dad is a judge in that town.. And it so happens that he is the one who gets to handle the case… We see Jane at the dock with her head hung shamefully as her father, the judge renders his verdict.. With a stern face.. “guilty as charged.. You are sentenced to pay a fine of 100 dollars or face one month community service if unable to pay” . Jane is now sobbing, she thinks that since her dad is so mad at her, she has no chance of her fine being that state of despair she doesn’t even see her dad getting up from his chair, removing the judge’s gown and walking over to pay the fine for his dear daughter.. Because no matter how much she has gone wrong, he still loves her.
This is very much like Jesus Christ, He hates sin, He is the ultimate judge , but still He stepped down from His kingship over the earth.. He was God, but He became man…why? Because of love, His great love without an end… Because of mercy, He couldn’t bear to see us lost, He paid the price for the salvation of mankind that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life



I know my limits

Whenever a situation arises, I have decisions to make,  I know that sometimes I have to fight the situation and other times I have to keep cool and walk away..This is because there are limits to everything…and  when the limit is pushed it will break and of it does  you are in big trouble… I’m not against taking risks,, risks are good  but one has to really think, look at it from all angles possible in order to avert misfortune. So when you know your limits, life is much more peaceful and full of contentment …


Christ My all

Mercy Kich 20170414_210013My favorite song this far is… He Loved Me Anyway by Sidewalk Prophets …its been a great inspiration to know that  although I  have sinned  and although I  don’t even measure up to the standards of His holiness.. He still loves me… He loved me   so much even  before I knew Him …For this reason  I want to make Him known coz He can do  everything… Much more than what we can even imagine. Able to heal all our pains,  provide all our needs, solve all our problems.He is just and merciful…and so loving ..He loves Me  ,You and everybody 

This is love

Today I can only gasp at the love like no other… A love that sacrificed that I may no longer be dead in sin but be made alive grace.. I see the intensity of the love that God has lavished upon me that I should bee called His daughter… I know the true meaning of when He says that I am precious in His sight…Its a love that has kept me going.. That gives me confidence because I know that He has separated me from my sins as far as east is from west and He will not treat me as I deserve because His mercies are new every morning. His unconditional love that He loved me first before I even knew Him..He bore the cost of losing His son,Jesus Christ in order that He may reconcile me to Him…How great is this love? For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His love for us (psalms 103:11) God is Love..I haven’t yet grasped the fullness of this great love… The little I know is just too intense and to think that more is in store for me just blows my mind…
John 3:16 ..For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life .


The contents of THAT Alabaster Jar

Jesus does deserve all honour and adoration..

Love, Me


Scripture Reference ~Matthew 26:6-13

On this day 2017 years ago, a woman reached into her chest and picked out the jar of her choicest perfume, went over to a friend’s house, broke the jar and poured out all the contents on the feet of Jesus, wiping them with her hair. Selah.

Each time I would read about this woman, I couldn’t stop wondering what was happening to her. Why would she do that? What inspired her to pour out her expensive alabaster on the feet of Jesus? I then discovered that this was the same woman that Jesus had saved from the angry, self-righteous mob.

See, this woman was caught in adultery, and by law, she was to be stoned to death. I imagine when she came before Jesus, the Rabbi, she was expecting to be sentenced right away, but no! Jesus is love, love knows better than not to forgive.


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Friendship is such an amazing experience… To have a  person  with whom you can share everything with.Most especially our feelings and experiences not forgetting ideas… Great friendships don’t  just happen, it takes a concerted effort…the persons  involved should keep in touch, be true to each other…. It is said friends know the worst about each other but better still have a million more reasons to stick together.. I love my friends and am grateful to God for them..

Meeting you was a coincidence but the decision to know more about each other was deliberate… Am glad I made that decision coz with you I have lived through the best experiences in life… With you I have the assurance that someone has my back and is willing to  help me out… I love you Jones and Linda ::You are the best Â